A limited number of rooms at a special price are reserved at the conference hotel for 15 - 18 October 2013. Rooms can be booked by participants after notification of acceptance of the paper (9 August 2013).
For booking, please fill in the accommodation request form dowloadable here and send it by fax +420 595 606 601 or by e-mail h7051-re@accor.com or h7051-sb@accor.com.
Ostrava airport (nearest airport to the conference venue): http://www.airport-ostrava.cz/cz/
Prague airport (largest airport in the Czech Republic): http://www.prg.aero/
Trains and buses in the Czech Republic: http://jizdnirady.idnes.cz/vlakyautobusy/spojeni/
Public transport in Ostrava: http://www.dpo.cz/